On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 11:08 -0500, Pete Biggs wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 10:35 -0500, Art Alexion wrote:
> > I want to search for text within a message, not to identify which
> > message contains the text, but to find the location of the text in the
> > message. I can't find an obvious way to do this in evolution.
> Edit -> Find in Message (Shift + Ctrl + F)
> That changes the search box at the top right to
>   'Message Contains' in 'Current Message'
> Once the search is initiated, Previous and Next buttons appear at the
> bottom and all occurrences of the string are highlighted.

Thanks, Pete.  I was looking in the search menu.
Art Alexion

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