On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 16:18 -0800, Matt Price wrote:
> hi,
> i switched to evolution from mutt a while back, and while i mostly like
> that decision, i do miss some of the fine control that mutt gives you.
> Recently two little things have been bugging me a bit, and i'm trying to
> figure out whether i can fix them.
> 1)  i have a friend who can't read my mail if i append a gpg signature
> -- i guess because his aging version of eudora doesn't like the way
> evolution packages mail.  I would like to have a filter that checks if a
> mail is going to him, and strips out the signature if he's on the
> recipient list.  does that sound hard to do?  any pointers as to where
> to get started?

Look at

which is a plugin that makes use of a pre-send hook.

You may have to write one similar to that.

A general plugin manual can be found in

> 2) some of my mailing lists have long names that appear at the front of
> hte subject heading, e.g. [olpc-community-support] ; this makes it hard
> to read the ACTUAL subject of the email.  i'd like to be able to edit
> the way subject headings are displayed in particular views; or failing
> that, to edit the subject headings themselves directly as the mails are
> downloaded, as one might do in a procmail filter.  What's the likelihood
> of being able to do one or the other with a plugin or anyway some kind
> of code?  again, i'd really appreciate any pointers.

You can try creating a filter which will pipe message to a script that
you have written. However, I guess we should have a special column which
will remove anything within [] 

> thanks very much,
> matt
Sankar P
Harver's Law: A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts

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