Could someone please explain to me why evolution-data-server has to take
over my computer every night.  When I come in it is thrashing the hard
drive every morning.  I had a problem a while back where every few
minutes it would take over and I couldn't use evolution at all.  Now its
just more of an annoyance, but still, WHY does it have to thrash my hard
drive like that every night?  I'm using an AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800 Dual
Core Machine with 1GB of memory, not a real powerhouse, but still.  I'm
using a standard Fedora 7, and I'm connecting to a Groupwise server, so
it shouldn't be so bad.  For the amount of processor resources and the
amount of time it runs, you would it is using you would think it is
rewriting my whole hard drive.  Why does it need to do this?  

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