Using HTML mails not recommended ! ;-)

- Johnny

On Fri, 2007-09-21 at 06:33 +0530, Suman wrote:
> Hi Paul..
> On 20/09/2007, Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Hi all;
>         This seemed useful to some people last time, so I'm doing it
>         again now.  I've been using Evolution from SVN for a few
>         months now tracking the latest changes and overall I've been
>         REALLY happy: so many things are much better, especially with
>         Exchange integration, than in 2.10 or any previous release.
>         Applause and cheers for everyone's hard work over the last 6
>         months!!
>         However, there are still some issues.  I hope now is a good
>         time to point them out so maybe we can concentrate on these
>         for 2.12.1 or 2.12.2.  Others might have a different list of
>         issues, but these are mine (links to bugzilla entries).  I've
>         updated the bugzilla entries with the latest info I have. 
>         As I said, I'm building Evo and all components (libsoup,
>         gtkhtml, e-d-s, evo, evo-exchange, evo-webcal) locally with
>         debugging enabled and running them with full logging, each
>         instance in its own directory.  I stand ready and willing to
>         help anyone who wants to, to work on these issues!  I've tried
>         to order them in order of precedence (how much I want them
>         fixed), most pain to lesser pain.
>         478090: Tried to create a meeting on the Exchange server, and
>         Evo crashed when adding an address
>                 This is a big one for me, because I need to schedule
>                 meetings through this mailing list.  Because of this
>                 problem I have to create my meetings through Exchange
>                 webmail rather than Evolution!  Luckily (in all senses
>                 of the word) I don't have to create meetings very
>                 often.
> the link:
>         478090: Meeting acceptances for attendees who weren&#39;t
>         listed are lost
>                 This isn't a huge deal, but it's pretty annoying.
> Thanks for the input !! 
> -Suman
>         -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>          Paul D. Smith <
>         [EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://make.mad-scientist.u
>          "Please remain calm--I may be mad, but I am a professional."--Mad 
> Scientist
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