On Thu, 2007-10-04 at 23:42 +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> Hi.
> I have several questions about how spamfiltering works with evolution.
> 1) Can evolution use both bogofilter and spamassassin concurrently? Or
> is it only possible to select between on of them.
> I think if the later is the case one should use spamassissin as it's
> more powerfull?

No, you can only use one or the other.  Neither is really "more
powerful", since evo only uses the bayesian filtering from SA, which is
what bogofilter does as well.  Some have found one better, some have
found the other better.  Certainly, using bogofilter is faster (ie, it
takes less time to process your spam).

> 2) What happens first? Evolutions message filters or spam detection?
> What I want to know is: If a message filter applies, and the message is
> e.g. moved out of the inbox,.. will spamassassin still be used on that
> message?
> If so, how can I prevent this? Because I want to secure that the message
> is definitely not marked as junk/deleted/etc (or even changed, perhaps
> by adding some spam information to its header) if one of my filter
> applies.

Spam is filtered before message filters are applied.

> 3) If none of my filter applies and the message is sent to
> spamassassin... how does it notify Evolution if the message is spam? Is
> the message header modified? And if so can I prevent this and use
> another way?

It notifies evo with the return value of the scan.  No messages are
modified (by default).  You can change config files to achieve this, I

> 4) I suppose that automatic learing is integrated "in" the Junk/Not Junk
> buttons, right?

I do not believe autolearning is enabled by default.  I believe you can
change this in config files.
> 5) Can evolution make use of additional filtering techniques for
> spamassassin like SPF or DKIM?

By default, no.  I believe you can enable them in the global config


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