Evolution-data-server is killing my computer.  When it starts running it
hogs resources and makes everything else run super slow.  I can barely
type this email right now because of the lag time. I just typed from the
word email in the last sentence to the end of that sentence without even
seeing the words appear.  If it was a short time that this happens, it
might not be a big deal, but, once the problem starts it continues for
hours on end unless I kill the evolution data server.  Then If I do
anything else with email, it starts over.  I have a dual core athlon 64
bit processor with 1GB of memory.  I'm running Fedora 7 with all of the
updates.  I am connected to an Groupwise server using the Novell
Groupwise server type.  I'm using the default SOAP port 7191 and SOAP
has been enabled on my server. I guess I could just use Thunderbird, but
I really like evolution.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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