On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 12:09 -0600, Nicolas Bock wrote:
> I am running evolution 2.8.3. I connect to an IMAP server at work to
> get my email. When I am at home I can not directly contact the IMAP
> server since it is behind a firewall. I need to connect with VPN
> first. Sometimes VPN drops the connection and I get thrown back out of
> the firewall. The IMAP server becomes inaccessible. Sometimes
> evolution is doing something when this happens and it gets stuck in
> "pinging IMAP server" mode. Reconnecting via VPN does not help. I
> can't even quit evolution at this point and have to force quit it in
> gnome. Is this a known issue? Can I somehow prevent evolution from
> "pinging the IMAP server"?


If you let it go for a few minutes does it finally close on its own, or
is it permanently stuck?  My guess is that the application is just
waiting for a socket to timeout, which usually takes a minute or so.

Still, the Evolution developers went to great lengths to make sure
blocking I/O calls were cancelable.  Closing the application ought to
immediately cancel any such I/O operations.  So I'd say you have a
legitimate bug here.

I've seen this behavior myself while using a VPN, actually, though it
usually manages to close itself after a couple minutes.  So it *is* a
known issue.  Unfortunately I don't know of a workaround other than

        evolution --force-shutdown

from a terminal window, which is essentially the same as Force Quit.

If you can, you might also try upgrading to Evolution 2.10 and seeing if
the situation improves.

Matthew Barnes

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