
Last week after a update of some sort it started crashing every time,  since
I am just getting back into running Linux and I am running 6.93 or there
abouts I figured it has something I did or due to it being beta and so close
to the release of 7.0 I have not worried about it.

Appears that my pkgtool has lost its database so I can't add or remove
software anymore.  Bad Day all around for me.  :-)


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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Poohba
Sent: May 17, 2007 2:17 PM
Subject: [Evolution] Crashing when opening unless I open contacts first

If I open evolution it crashes.  If I open contacts and then ctrl+1 it opens
but I have to change the folder immediately so that it doesn't crash again.
I can then go back to the folder and there is no problem.
Even if I pkill evo and then try to open evolution it still crashes.
After a reboot and I try to open it, it crashes.  Has anyone else
experienced this problem?

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