Dear Norm and List,
   I struggled with this for a long time.  It seems that there are
.desktop files that contain this information.  The system-wide ones
you can edit as root are in /usr/share/applications and the local
ones (individual to each user) are in $HOME/.local/share/applications.
If you google around you can find instructions on what goes in these
files--I won't try to repeat it all here--or just follow the examples.
You will also find information about a bunch of other kinds of files
that keep this configuration information, but they seem to be
irrelevant in RHEL 4.4 with evolution 2.0.2 (which is what you
and I both have).
   Turns out there is an automatic way to get the information in that
I didn't find out about right away because I don't use nautilus.
But if you turn on nautilus, you can do this:  Store a file of the
type in question on your desktop, right click it, tell nautilus
what application to use to open it, then nautilus will write the
information in your $HOME/.local/share/applications and evolution
will use it.
   Hope this helps,
   George Reeke

On Thu, 2007-02-22 at 08:39 -0500, Norman P. B. Joseph wrote:
> I'm running Evolution 2.0.2 under RHEL4, and I used to be able to see a
> list of mime-type handlers when I'd click on the drop-down menu for
> attachments embedded in the evolution message pane.  For example, when a
> Word doc was attached, the drop-down menu would include an option for
> opening with Open Office, when a PDF file was attached, the menu would
> include acroread, and when another email was attached, the menu would
> include a list of text editors to open the attachments with.
> Now those options are gone.  I only get "Save as..." as an option for
> attached documents, and "Forward/Reply" as options for attached
> messages.  So I'm guessing somewhere a configuration file got trashed or
> trampled at some point, but I can't seem to figure out where that
> configuration is.  Can anyone here point me in the right direction?
> I'm not currently subscribed to this list, so I'd appreciate being CC'd
> on replies.
> Thanks for any pointers.
> -norm

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