On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 13:05 -0600, Peter Van Lone wrote:
> On 2/21/07, Void Main <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Is there a brutus mailing list or forum that I can get
> > brutus help or is the evolution-list an appropriate
> > list?
> the brutus developer seems to haunt (and chime in about Brutus) on the
> evolution-list.

Not much else to do while being stuck here in the afterlife ;-)

Anyway.. there is a brutus list. Go to 
http://www.omesc.com/content/support/lists.php and subscribe.

And for your problem. There was a bug in the latest release that would
make authentication attempts futile under certain conditions. The bug
was about me not using the keyring API correctly. It is fixed in the
latest test release(*) and will be included in the next release which is
due shortly.


(*) http://www.omesc.com/content/downloads/dist/testing/

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