Good afternoon,

I have a similar question or concern. I have evolution running all the
time on my main desktop (or as all the time as it manages to stay
up ...) and I want to be able to open another evolution window, not a
whole new evolution instance on another display (tunneled X over SSH).
How do I do so?


On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 01:41 -0800, Evan Klitzke wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 01:10 -0800, Evan Klitzke wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > This isn't an Evolution question per se, but I am a Gnome user, and I
> > like to keep Evolution open all the time. Hence, I have it set to launch
> > automatically when I log into a Gnome session. However, this launches
> > Evolution on workspace 1, and I like to keep it on another workspace
> > (e.g. workspace 2). Is there a provision for launching Gnome/GTK
> > applications on a particular workspace? I looked at evolution --help-all
> > but didn't see anything that looked promising.
> I actually figured this one out last night, thanks to a kind soul on
> #gnome. If you install the devilspie application and add something like
> this to ~/.devilspie/evolution.ds
> (if
>         (is (application_name) "evolution")
>         (begin
>                 (set_workspace 2)
>                 (maximize)
>         )
> )
> and then add devilspie into the startup programs, it will automatically
> move evolution to workspace 2 and maximize it. This works with metacity
> (i.e. not beryl/compiz) only.
> --
> Evan Klitzke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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