Hi, I'm trying to make the switch over to evolution since it provides calendar, todo, tasks and integrates with gnome. Using Evolution 2.8.1 under Ubuntu.
But, i am having a very hard time in doing so, but maybe i'm doing something wrong. Anyway here is a list of questions i needed answered: Is there a shortcut (keyboard) that enables me to jump between unread messages, in different folders and accounts (IMAP) ? I use a courier imap server, but Evolution ignores the INBOX. namespace configuration i inserted, and puts everything as a subfolder of Inbox. Is there a way around this ? Why is the rule set of the "search folders" significantly smaller than filters ? I'm trying to create an unread folder, but it keeps putting my spam in there, which is marked on the server side with "x-spam-flag: yes". I can't seem to find a way to stop it from filling the Unread search folder with spam messages... How can i define a rule in search folders, that acts for an account, as it exists in the filter rules ? Why is there no header checking in the search folder rules ? I've trying using camel search, but i end up with an error box with no information (meaning just a error sign, and no text). Is there a way to display Tasks in the Calendar ? I would really like to make the switch, but most of these issues are show stopers for me :(. Regards, Alfredo _______________________________________________ Evolution-list mailing list Evolution-list@gnome.org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/evolution-list