On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 10:47 -0600, Bill Turner wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have recently started using Evolution 2.6.1 under PCLOS Linux and have
> a few q's I can't seem to find the answer to in the FAQ or the mailing
> list archives.  Sorry if this has been asked before.  I am running a
> dual-boot setup with XP, and followed the suggestions on getting my
> Outlook mail over to the Linux side.  This was easy enough since I was
> already using T-Bird on both sides.  It was when I started to import the
> mail that problems started showing up.
> When I had finished the initial account setup I went to do an import of
> the mail already on my system and was, quite frankly, flatly
> disappointed at the import procedure, or rather the lack of an import
> procedure.  The available options were very disappointing.  When I
> looked into the help, it seemed that a 'manual import' was the only
> option.  
> Kmail, by contrast, has a much broader set of import filters, and also
> allows the detection and skipping of 'duplicate' messages.  I have
> looked everywhere I can think of to find a way to remove the duplicates
I believe there is a open bug for the same.

At the moment, I personally use balsa mail client to remove duplicate.

> in my folders with no success.  T-Bird also allows the removal of
> duplicates.  KMail has that as part of the program, T-Bird requires you
> to install a plugin.  The point being that both of them allow the
> removal of duplicates in a straight-forward a manner, while Evolution
> seems to lack that ability, or if it does have it is keeping it hidden
> away in some place I can not find.
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Ritesh Khadgaray
LinuX N Stuff
Ph: +919822394463
Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

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