В Fri, 03 Nov 2006 14:16:20 -0500, Saikat Guha написа:

> There used to be a rather useful (reference) plugin that would let the
> default mail display prefer text/plain parts over text/html parts. 

Yep, Evo is unusable for me without this plugin, as 95% of the mail we
receive at work is nasty HTML.  :-@

> Are there any plans to resurrect this plugin and support it? 

It is working for me, although some weird non-standard HTML-formatted
messages are shown as an attachment.  The long-term solution is HTML mail
to be forbidden somehow, or to boycott it by rejecting it on SMTP level.

> As someone willing to help out, what would be required to get it
> included in the default build?

It is marked as "experimental" (available in Debian by the
evolution-plugins-experimental package).  Look at the configure options,
IIRC it is "--enable-plugins=experimental".

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