Am Mittwoch, den 20.09.2006, 21:18 +0300 schrieb K. Elo:
> Couldn't You just copy the folder structure e.g. on a CD-ROM and after
> upgrading restore the structure in ~/.evolution/mail/local (I suppose
> You were worried about Your local/pop mail folder). I have used this
> method several times and have encountered no problems at all.

Just as a sidenote and reference: This even works for Thunderbird ->
After I searched for quite a while on how to do such a migration, I just
tried copying the content of the folder
"~/.thunderbird/<profile>/Mail/Local Folders" into
~/.evolution/mail/local and tada - it worked. Not perfectly, had to
rebuild some indexes and stuff, but in total it worked fine.

So, if anyone fears about migrating TB -> evolution, that's the way it
works for the mails.


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