hi corrin,

which evolution version are you running?

Am Montag, den 07.08.2006, 08:14 +1200 schrieb Corrin Lakeland:
> Largely the migration has worked really well.  There are however two
> things that did not work and one of which is apparently a
> showstopper!? The showstopper is that I can't work out how to force
> evolution to wrap the message body in a FONT=arial. 

afaik, it is currently not possible. for your interest, it's filed as a
feature request at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=320066 .

> The other problem
> is that evolution is failing to access the global address book,
> complaining about an invalid URL.

does ldap work for you? you could also try to use the IP address
instead. :-/
please also take a look at
http://www.gnome.org/projects/evolution/bugs.shtml , section 
"Discover What Causes the Bug" and start evolution with E2K_DEBUG as in
the example at that page. please remove any confidential data before
posting a log.


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