Looks like you are also facing the issue in


On Mon, 2006-07-24 at 21:09 +0000, John Affleck wrote:
> I've just finished compiling 2.6.2 on a SLES 9 machine and I'm having
> trouble getting the exchange component to read my calendar.  The setup
> has worked in the past, and currently does so on a different dapper
> machine.  After firing evolution up, I see the exchange component
> slogging thru many, many public folders, and, after a bit, the main
> evolution process (?) pops up a window saying:
> Error while Scanning folders in "Exchange server <foo>".
> Lost connection to Evolution Exchange backend process
> The exchange process slogs on for a couple minutes after this, but
> appears to still be perfectly happy.  Unfortunately, the main process
> seems to have given up at this point, so none of the exchange folders
> are available.
> Is this a timeout or something where evolution expects the exchange
> query to only take a set period of time ? Can I increase the timeout ?
> Is it something else ?
> The last thing out of evolution-exchange-storage is:
> 207 Multi-Status
> E2k-Debug: 0x552b20 @ 1153775100
>       John A.
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