Hello Yavor, [...] The problem is solved. I found out that these troubles are a result of some (heavy) bugs: (1) Evolution wants the slapd for its own, no other databases should be stored with the slapd which serves the global address book. I found this after deleting the whole LDAP database and reconstructing ONLY the address book part -> it runs perfect now (2) If you are using the global address book you HAVE to enter the first letter of a surname or first name to see an entry! This is completely against the usage of the local address books where you don't need to enter any letters to see the whole list!
Now I have two LDAP daemons: one for Evolution and one for the rest (single sign on!). That's not good! Best regards Jürgen -- This e-mail was scanned with a private, non-commercial version of AntiVir MailGate. See http://www.antivir.de for details. _______________________________________________ Evolution-list mailing list Evolution-list@gnome.org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/evolution-list