I have similar problems with evolution. My exchange connector was
working ok  with a few crashes every other day, until I installed 2.6.2.
After that the exchange portion didn't crash, but maybe that was because
every time I clicked into an exchange folder evolution would crash. I
did a yum install evolution* out of desperation and installed all the
debug and dev packages. So far no problems other than I can't seem to be
able to open any bodies shared calenders yet.

On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 14:34 +0200, Øyvind Gjerstad wrote:
> On 6/9/06, Pete Biggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 13:53 -0700, Paul Lemmons wrote:
> > > <violin>
> > >
> > > When I upgraded to Fedora Core 5 I got Evolution 2.6.1. The
> > > exchange-connector was broken. Actually it was libsoup that was broken.
> > > I stuck with it anyway, though. I found that if I restarted Evolution
> > > often enough that it would eventually come up. It was very frustrating.
> > >
> > > Several days ago libsoup was fixed and life was finally good! No more
> > > crashes! On that same day 2.6.2 was also released but it had trouble
> > > installing due to dependencies. My global address book was still broken
> > > so I looked forward to the dependencies being resolved in hopes that not
> > > only would it be stable but it would work like it used to before the
> > > upgrade.
> > >
> > > Well 2.6.2 went on and everything has gone down the drain again. Right
> > > now, my machine is running at 100% busy doing what appears to be
> > > nothing. If that were not the case then I would see it either filtering
> > > or downloading and stalling forever. Attempts to close the application
> > > gracefully fail. It simply ignores the fact that I click on the "X". I
> > > want to scream.
> > >
> > > It has gone from extremely bad to pretty good to absolutely unusable.
> > > The progression should be from really good towards excellent. Not this
> > > rollercoaster ride at the bottom end of acceptability.
> > >
> > > Is there not some way to keep this from happening? I am a devoted user
> > > but this is becoming intolerable.
> > >
> >
> > It might be that you've got miss-matched versions of evolution and its
> > backend components after the upgrade (i.e. the backends are still the
> > ones running from 2.6.1).  Try doing 'evolution --force-shutdown' in a
> > terminal and restarting evo to see if it's any better.
> I upgraded my FC5 installation with yum update (to evo 2.6.2) . I'm
> also using exchange connector, and now I don't get any new mails! To
> be more precise, the folder (Inbox) lists unread messages, but they do
> not appear in the message pane. If I quit evolution and restart I get
> those mails, but mails that arrive after that are just listed in the
> number behind Inbox.
> As fas as I can tell all my Evolution components are 2.6.2. I have
> also restarted everything (and also rebooted).
> How do I debug this?

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