> 1)when I start evolution for the 1st time after booting the PC, it is
> SO SLOOOOOW! It takes forever for it to be ready to display my
> messages. I *think* I have it configured to download messages for
> offline use, so I don't understand why it would take 1/2 hour and more
> to refresh new messages, etc ... and why, even if it is "downloading
> new" messages, do I have to wait for that to complete, before I can
> read/work with older messages?
> (and I am talking about even when I have a full lan speed connection
> to the OWA server, and the Global catalogue server is nearby as well.
> In fact, it seems almost no faster to being "ready" while on the lan,
> then it does when I am at home, with only an internet connection.
Can you file a defect on this, with the details like, how big is
your mailbox, approximately how many mails/folders/filters you have etc.

> 2)Is it possible to have the GroupWise connector installed at the same
> time as the exchange connector? I have exchange at work, but customers
> with GroupWise and it would be nice to get a feel for how that works
> ....
Yes you can have both Exchange and GroupWise accounts configured 
at the same time.

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