Searched for this one in the archives and with Google but can't find
anything relevant.

A new cow-orker started today.  I'd already set up her Evolution (v2.2.2
on Gnome 2.0 + UltraSparc Solaris 5.9) and all was going well.  She's
accustomed to Outlook and was having no trouble following what was going
on.  Kudos to the dev team.   However ...

I tried to show her how to create a new calendar (note: new calendar,
*not* new calendar item) so she could organize her appointments, etc.
No matter what I tried, I could not make the Ok button active.  It
remained greyed-out regardless and flatly refused to create the new
calendar.  We even tried logging out and back in again, to no avail.

This is the first time I've ever seen this behaviour.   Other people,
including myself, have no problems with Evolution calendar creation on
the same platform.  I've checked filesystem permissions and so forth ---
no noticeable difference (other than ownership being appropriate to the
account holder, of course).

Does anyone have any suggestions for a fix or for what I should check

Paul Leyland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        | Hanging on in quiet desperation is
Dept. of Genetics, Cambridge University   |     the English way.
Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EH, UK    | The time is gone, the song is over.
Tel: +44-1223-333963 Fax: +44-1223-333992 | Thought I'd something more to say.

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