Hi Pete,

 Allow me to clarify a few things.

1. Evolution 2.4 does not support CalDAV or read/write calendars on

2. Evolution 2.6.1 supports a CalDAV backend - In other ends, you can
subscribe to a remote CalDAV server (such as HULA) - read, write and
manage your remote calendar using Evolution as the client.

3. Your set-up appears to be WebDAV operating on .ics files - not
CalDAV. I can glean from your mail that you understand the difference.


> 2.6.1 supports caldav - which as far as I can fathom out is like webdav,
> but sufficiently not like it that anything works as you'd expect.  From
> experience I would say that caldav uses similar net protocols to webdav
> (but not compatible) and it stores the data in multiple .ics files (one
> for each appt) rather than one big one like iCal.
> I'm actually quite peeved about it all - I specifically asked a while
> ago if 2.6 supported iCal over webdav and the answer was an unequivocal
> 'yes'. See:
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-list/2006-February/msg00279.html

The above mail thread was specific to Calendar Publishing, to which Chen
had answered yes.

With Evolution 2.6.1, you can publish a 'snapshot' of your calendar on
to a web server using WebDAV/FTP/ssh protocols.
So with Evolution, you have the ability to publish your calendars using
WebDAV and read others' calendars through HTTP (Web). 

But you cannot subscribe to a remote calendar account on WebDAV and do a
read/write, which was perhaps your assumption. The CalDAV provider in
Evolution addresses the need to manage remote calendars, arguably a
superior approach to managing ics files over WebDAV.

Hope this answers your questions.

> So having waited patiently for 2.6 to come out, it was quite
> disappointing to find that it didn't work.

> To get read/write web based calendars on Evo, you need to use caldav -
> 'On the Web' calendars are read only.

> Pete
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