Your debug traces look fine.
Are you seeing any log messages on the console?
You can also file a bug, with the debug traces.


On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 11:28 +0100, Ignacio Mas Ivars wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am having problems sending mails through my exchange server after the
> last upgrade. For some reason the exchange account is not able to send
> mail, though all the rest works fine. I am able to read mails, and 
> all the calendaring and the global catalog functioning without a
> problem. I am circumventing the problem by using an IMAP account in
> parallel with a working SMTP server, but this is quite inconvenient,
> since I can't properly answer to meeting requests and so. This is what I
> am seeing: When I try to send a mail through the exchange account a
> dialog pops up saying "Error while performing operation: could not send
> message". I have enabled the debugging info in the exchange connector
> and I see a bunch of weird things, though I don't understand where the
> problem lies... It seems exchange connector starts fine and then I start
> seeing a bunch of 207 Multi-Status messages. I am attaching the trace
> and what I did to obtain it is wait until evolution stops checking the
> exchange account and while seeing all the exchange mails in the server,
> create a new mail and then try to send it... and then close evolution.
> The trace is large, but I did not want to cut it, to avoid missing info.
> The sending was the last thing I tried to do, so it should be at the end
> somewhere!
> I am running Ubuntu Dapper (up to date) with the following evo
> components:
> evolution                     2.5.92-0ubuntu1
> evolution-plugins             2.5.92-0ubuntu1
> evolution-exchange            2.5.92-0ubuntu1
> I am a bit stuck here so any helps is appreciated!
> Thanks in advance
> ---
>        ,,,
>       (o o)
> --ooO--(_)---Ooo-----------
> Language is the amber in which a thousand precious thoughts have been
> safelyembedded and preserved. . . . Words convey the mental treasures of
> one periodto the generations that follow; and laden with this, their
> precious freight,they sail safely across gulfs of time in which empires
> have suffered shipwreckand the languages of common life have sunk into
> oblivion. - Richard Trench 
> --oo0--------0oo-----------
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