So, if you can do a valgrind report, plis send the report to

I think that we need a "bug hunter package", i mean, a version of
evolution compiled with -g in order to view which source file and on
which line was requested the memory and occurs the errors.

If you have resources to compile evo with -g and run it over valgrind
would be good for all the users.

Best regards

Jorge Luis

> Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 12:53:24 -0800
> From: Daniel Yek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Evolution] memory leak
> To:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Evolution often sucks up all my memory - 1 GB of RAM and another 1 GB
> of
> swap space when I delete some document element that appeared to be
> inside nested tables. It always happen during message composition,
> especially when editing and replying to a previous message.
> Recent weeks, it has crashed randomly on me often, without any
> identifiable cause.
> I know this information is not very useful, but that is all I have at
> this point. I'll update with more information if I manage to spend
> time
> on it and find out the problems.
> -- 
> Daniel Yek.
Jorge Luis

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