On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 16:27 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 16:32 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > Depends what you mean by "shut down". The shutdown utility on Linux
> > sends a signal which processes can trap and gives them a little time to
> > clean up. Only then does it kill them preemptively. A properly-written
> > application should never get into an inconsistent state because of the
> > system being shut down, and in fact I haven't seen Evo misbehaving in
> > this way.
> But Evo takes a long time to exit (30 seconds or so) as it waits until
> exit time to purge and write out all mail folders.  Most distros don't
> give processes nearly this long to exit.

I have this issue only with remote imap servers, which won't be
corrupted anyway.

Anyway, your problem is that evolution takes (too) much time to finish,
it's not a linux problem!

BTW I suggest you never shutdown when important programs like evolution
are running. You better exit them first anyway. That's not because linux
would not be able to handle that (or similar), but simply because
evolution (or any other gui app) may need user interaction at shutdown,
which you will not be able to handle when you're in the process of
shutting down. Also you may need to do some stuff to make evolution exit
cleanly (mount a disk you forgot, reconnect network, whatever), which
you will not be able to during shutdown.

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