Which version of Evolution you are using?
Are you seeing high CPU utilization, during any particular
operation? Do you see any memory build up?

Can you attach gdb to evolution-exchange-storage process and
get the stack traces (using "thread apply all bt" gdb command),
while CPU utilization goes high?


On Fri, 2005-12-09 at 12:22 -0700, Paul Lemmons wrote:
> < this is a re-post, I don't think it posted the first time >
> I use Evolution and the exchange connector daily and have been doing
> so
> for about 6 months. It works but with quirks. On a fairly regular
> basis,
> while using Evolution/Exchange the program pauses and becomes
> unresponsive. I look at nmon and it shows me that
> evolution-exchange-storage is using an inordinate amount of CPU
> resource. If left, it will run that way for 2 to 10 minutes and then
> Evolution starts responding and the application runs perfectly again.
> My questions are:
> - Is this normal behavior?
> - Is this a known byproduct of having some configuration set?
> - Am I the only one to see this?
> and probably the most burning question... does anybody know how to
> make
> it stop?
> ----
> Fedora core 4
> Evolution 2.2.3
> all software is "yum" current (12/7/2005)
>   (no development repos)
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