Yes, As of now Exchange connector supports <username> or <domainname>\<username>
But if one can authenticate using [EMAIL PROTECTED] (email id) through OWA, then Exchange Connector also should support it. You can definitely file a bug on this. Please and see if there is already a bug on this before filing a new bug. Thanks, Sushma. On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 10:34 +0100, Patrick Ohly wrote: > Hi all, > > just in case someone else is struggling with this, too: > I found that in Evolution 2.4.2 the global address list > only worked for me when I chose the <domain>\<user> format. > With <user>@<domain> I had access to email and calender, > but LDAP authentication failed. > > I tracked it down into the source (compiled via Garnome > 2.12.2) and found that at the lowest level where the LDAP/NTLM > authentication is done (the call to xntlm_authenticate() > in e2k-global-catalog.c, line 282) my <user>@<domain> had > not been split into user and domain, as expected by that code. > > Instead it tried to authenticate against the default domain, > which is not the one where my account exists; besides, the > user name also was wrong because it still had the @<domain> > suffix. > > With <domain>\<user> the two parts where separated and > authentication was successful. > > I'm not sure whether this is considered a bug, so I haven't > filed a bug report yet, but can do so. > _______________________________________________ Connector mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ Evolution-list mailing list