Hi Mike,
      http://ical.mac.com/dot_mac_account_name/calendar_name.ifb, is the
right format to give in the location. I have tested publishing in
www.icalexchange.com and it works fine. I saw that the calendar
from .mac account can be shared with others, but could not find any
information about publishing free busy (or a calendar) information
into .mac account from other clients (not sure if any other clients have
write access to that). Am I missing anything ? I have created a trial
account in it to sort out the issue. 

thanks, Chenthill.

On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 08:04 +0000, Mike Linksvayer wrote:
> Hi.  I'm using Evolution 2.4.1, specifically 2.4.1-0ubuntu7
> I'd like to publish free/busy data to a .mac account, but I can't seem to 
> figure
> out the proper "publishing location" to give to Evolution (calendar) via
> Edit|Preferences|Free/Busy.
> When viewing others calendars I use
> http://ical.mac.com/dot_mac_account_name/calendar_name or
> webcal://ical.mac.com/dot_mac_account_name/calendar_name.ics
> (with dot_mac_account_name and calendar_name replaced with real values)
> I've tried giving Evolution many variations on these, apparently to no avail,
> and no feedback is given when publishing free/busy data, apart from --debug,
> which says
> (evolution:10174): calendar-gui-WARNING **: itip-utils.c:1399: Could not 
> publish
> Free/Busy: 400: Bad Request
> Anyone have any leads regarding free/busy publishing URLs for .mac account
> calendars?
> Thanks!
> Mike
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