
I've been using mailsync-5.2.1 to keep my mail folders on my laptop and
desktop in sync.  It's been working perfectly and plays an important
role in my work.  Unfortunately, I've had to switch to evolution as my
mail client (I used vm under emacs before) and have had trouble keeping
things in sync.  From what I can tell, evolution uses a standard unix
mailbox format and mailsync DOES sync the files properly; the problem is
that various index files under evolution aren't synced which causes
evolution to complain when it's run (e.g., it says it can't save the
mail folder even "after a sync", whatever that means).

I've found that running a program called multisync (from opensync)
somehow restores the indices, even though it DOESN'T sync the mail

Any idea what/how to rebuild evolution's indices (if indeed that is the
problem); 2) if so, could this be automated into mailsync?  3) Any
chance of you building an opensync mailsync plugin?

Finally, on an different topic, a feature request.  My mail files are
huge and I compress them with bzip2.  Any chance that you could add
compressed read/write support into mailsync?

Thanks in advance.


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