On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 02:10 -0300, Frederico Madeira wrote:
> You can tellme how you make it ?? what apps you use ?

I'm not sure what your question is.  We're on the evolution mailing
list, so I'm obviously using evolution.  The actual syncing software is
called gpilotd, and there are evolution sync conduits for gpilotd -- but
you shouldn't have to care about that -- everything is integrated into
evolution, gui-wise.

If you need a generic "how do I get syncing working on any distro"
tutorial, I'd suggest this HOWTO:


On my specific linux distribution (Ubuntu Breezy), I used gpilot prefs
to tell gpilotd that my palm can be found on the device
"/dev/ttyUSB1" (The gpilot prefs can be found under "Edit/Syncronization
Options..." in evolution 2.4 -- or there's a "PalmOS Devices" gnome
control panel).  Then, I plugged in my lifedrive, and pushed the hotsync

If you're not using the same distro as me, you can figure out which
device to specify by watching the system log while you plug in your
lifedrive and push the hotsync button.  You should get some messages in
the log similar to:

  ... usb 2-1: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter now attached to ttyUSB1

The *last* of these messages will specify which USB device you'll want
to hot-sync against.

If you don't see any messages like this, that means your kernel isn't
new enough to recognize the device code on the lifedrive, and so the
visor module doesn't recognize your device as a palm device.  See the
HOWTO above for instructions on how to fix that -- or simply try the
latest kernel from your distribution.

Oh, and if you use gnome, you'll want to add the gpilot applet to a
toolbar somewhere, as it gives you a nice GUI indicator of activity
while the sync is happening.

Brett Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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