I am having problems importing address books into Evolution 2.2.3 under
FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE. I have tried two methods, and neither work.
Method #1: Importing a .ldif file
Using an .ldif file created by Mozilla Seamonkey under Windows XP, all
fields import correctly except those for the home street address, home
city, state and zip. The home telephone does import. I have also tried
.ldif files created by both Mozilla Mail ad Thunderbird under FreeBSD
and the same problem occurs.
Method #2. Converting a .csv file using the script csv2vcard.pl
Attempting to convert a both DOS and Windows .csv files created by
Outlook under Windows XP using the script csv2vcard.pl fails with the
following display
[~/personal/aacn]$./csv2vcard.pl bod_mbr_dos.csv bod.vcf
Takes a CSV-formatted list of contacts from Outlook and attempts to
convert it into a list of VCards suitable for import into Evolution.
Usage: ./csv2vcard.pl [infile outfile]
This script does create an empty file, bod.vcf, in the ~/personal/aacn
I hate to sound hypercritical but the address books under Mozilla Mail
and Thunderbird allow importing either comma-separated/tab-separated
files using field mappings or .ldif files, and work without problems.
Why can't Evolution offer the same mechanism for importing .csv files?
BOF, FreeBSD User
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