Do you see any related log messages on Evolution console?
You can file a bug attaching a sample vcf file. That
will help to analyze the problem.


On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 01:42 -0400, Joe Mason wrote:
> I used Andrew Seniors's dialer.c 
> ( to convert my Palm 
> address.dat file to a VCard file (address.vcf) but every time I try
> to 
> import the .vcf file into Evolution 2.2 it gives me the error "Error 
> loading address.vcf" - which doesn't tell me much. 
> I assume the vcard file's formatted wrong or something, but it looks
> ok 
> to me.  I noticed Debian's evolution package includes a file called 
> csv2vcard, so I tried using dialer to convert address.dat > 
> address.csv, and then ran csv2vcard - but no matter what parameters I 
> give it, it just prints the usage message.  (For instance "csv2vcard 
> address.csv address2.vcf" prints the usage message and creates a
> 0-byte 
> address2.vcf file.) 
> What should I do to further diagnose this problem? 
> Joe 
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