> From: chad <yand...@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 14:22:57 -0400
> Cc: Arthur Miller <arthur.mil...@live.com>, emacs-tangents@gnu.org
> I do think that a very early step needs to be "figure out how to handle 
> concurrent analysis and editing
> across multiple cores and perhaps machines", but that probably just reflects 
> a bunch of my personal
> interests.

One of the main advantages of multithreading in Emacs is to have a
separate UI thread, so that we wouldn't have Emacs appear frozen when
it does some computation.  To have such a separate thread in Emacs is
tricky, because we allow to run Lisp both on input and on output
(redisplay).  This is one of the main reasons why Emacs is so
powerful, so giving this up would be a huge loss.  So someone would
need to figure out how to keep this feature and still run I/O in a
separate thread...

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