Luke Crook <> wrote:
> I'm not sure if I still need to set "org-block-background" in 8.3.1.
> But if I do need to continue setting this, what is the new name for "org-
> block-background"?
> (set-face-attribute 'org-block-background nil
>                     :height (round (* 0.9 (face-attribute 'fixed-pitch
> :height))))
> (set-face-attribute 'org-block nil
>                     :height (round (* 0.9 (face-attribute 'fixed-pitch
> :height))))

org-block-background was removed in f8b42e8 ("Don't use an overlay for
src blocks backgrounds", 2014-07-28) for performance reasons.  I'm not
aware of anything that has been introduced in its place.


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