I have an org beamer file with the following header since I generally
prefer top-alignment for frames:

#+latex_class_options: [aspectratio=169,t,presentation,bigger,fleqn]

I have some columns where I want vertically centered text, and am not
sure how to pass the option to \columns{} instead of an individual

Worg says this(http://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/beamer/ox-beamer.html):

"All contiguous environments are automatically wrapped in a columns
environment, although it can be forced at any point by setting the
BEAMER_env property to columns. This might be handy if you want to
pass special options."

But where does that go? I have this:

* Test

** Col1      :BMCOL:
   :BEAMER_col: 0.5

- blah
- blah
- blah

** Col2      :BMCOL:
   :BEAMER_col: 0.5

- blah
- blah
- blah

I want this (note the [c] to override my document-wide [t] option):

\item blah
\item blah
\item blah

\item blah
\item blah
\item blah

But if I add =:beamer_env: columns= to both subheadlines, I get each
in it's own \begin/end{columns} environment, which is not what I want.
I just need a single columns env, with the [c] option passed, that
encompasses both individual column environments.


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