Hi Nicolas,

thanks for this change it makes a tremendous difference.

* Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> [20. Jul. 2015]:
> Gregor Zattler <telegr...@gmx.net> writes:
>> Now I think I found something specific.  I do open the org-mode
>> file in question with #+STARTUP: showeverything because otherwise
>> it’s slow.  Today I discovered org-goto.  This presents the
>> buffer in overview mode.  So I started the profiler, started
>> org-goto and typed 11 letters in order to jump to a heading.
>> This takes quite some time while my notebooks fan is making noise
>> and Emacs uses 100% cpu according to htop.
>> I did this two times with the same org-mode file:
>> - with Org-mode version 8.3beta (release_8.3beta-1291-gd6e601 @
>>   /home/grfz/src/org-mode/lisp/) on GNU Emacs
>>   (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.5) of 2015-07-17 on boo
>> - with Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @
>>   /usr/local/stow/emacs-snapshot/share/Emacs/25.0.50/lisp/org/)
>>   on the same version of Emacs.
>> I do not know how to read these reports, but to me it seems, that
>> most of the cpu cycles are used by org-context, org-end-of-item,
>> org-list-struct and org-list-context.  The memory reports do not
>> seem to be of interest but I attach them for the sake of
>> completeness.
> I removed a call to `org-context' in
> 985420eceb3661aae8b1caafc95e959ab12ad1cb. Does it fix your problem?

Yes, it’s *much* faster now, it’s so responsive it’s almost
instantaneous.  Thanks.

> For the record, `org-context' predates Org Elements and should
> ultimately be removed from the code base.

Ciao, Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

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