Rainer M Krug <rai...@krugs.de> writes:

> 1) not identifying header argument with +
> ,----
> | #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :tangle no
> `----
> results in
> ,----
> | 87 high  Unknown header argument ""
> `----

This should be fixed.

> 2) not knowing header argument "file-ext" from R
> ,----
> | #+begin_src R  :exports results :file-ext pdf :results graphics :width 8 
> :height 8
> | plotSensMainEffAll(files)
> | #+end_src
> `----
> results in
> ,----
> |   1691 high  Unknown header argument "file-ext"
> `----

Fixed too.

> 3) I am not to sure about this one, but in LaTeX labels of figures are
> with the colon. Initially, I had #+LABEL: instead of #+NAME: but changed
> it as one should use #+NAME instead of #+LABEL, but now I get the following:
> ,----
> | #+CAPTION: The caption
> | #+NAME: fig:sensDefault
> | #+RESULTS: fig_sensDefault
> | [[file:./output/fig_sensDefault.pdf]]
> `----
> results in
> ,----
> |   1686 high  Name "fig:sensDefault" contains a colon; Babel cannot use it 
> as input
> `----
> I agree with the fact that Babel can not use it as input, but I do not
> want to use it as input, only as a label in LaTeX for the figure?

Then you can ignore safely this report.

> According to the manual this should work:
> http://orgmode.org/manual/Images-and-tables.html:
> ,----
> |      #+CAPTION: This is the caption for the next figure link (or table)
> |      #+NAME:   fig:SED-HR4049
> |      [[./img/a.jpg]]
> `----
> So maybe check if this is part of a construct with a CAPTION or if it
> really is used as an input somewhere?

It is quite complicated to check if it is an input somewhere, e.g., it
could be used as an input in another document.

> 4) references where :FILE is a normal PROPERTY: (or isn't it?)
> ,----
> | ** Koivusalo2002 - Snow processes in a forest clearing and in a coniferous 
> forest
> | :TITLE:    Snow processes in a forest clearing and in a coniferous forest
> | :BTYPE:    article
> | :CUSTOM_ID: Koivusalo2002
> | :AUTHOR:   Koivusalo, H. and Kokkonen, T.
> | :DOI:      10.1016/S0022-1694(02)00031-8
> | :FILE:     file:./Literature/Koivusalo_2002.pdf
> | :ISSN:     00221694
> | :JOURNAL:  Journal of Hydrology
> | :KEYWORDS: energy,forest,mathematical models,melt,snow,uxes
> | :MENDELEY-GROUPS: Energy Balance,bibliography
> | :MONTH:    may
> | :NUMBER:   1-4
> | :PAGES:    145--164
> | :URL:      http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022169402000318
> | :VOLUME:   262
> | :YEAR:     2002
> | :END:
> | [[file:Literature/Koivusalo2002.pdf]]
> `----
> results in
> ,----
> |  11221 high  Special property "FILE" found in a properties drawer
> `----

"FILE" is a special property, i.e., it shouldn't be set in a property
drawer. See (info "(org) Special properties").

> I am really happy with org-lint - thanks a lot. This makes working with
> org files much easier.

Thanks for all the feedback.


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