Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Rasmus <> writes:
>> Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:
>>> `org-html--build-mathjax-config' needs to check, in addition to parse
>>> tree, cdr of all associations in (plist-get
>>> info :footnote-definition-alist), and values of all parsed keywords.
>> It seems you did not do this.  I will add this over the weekend.
> Actually, it isn't a very good idea because we cannot assume all parsed
> keywords and all footnote definitions will actually be used to create
> the document. This can introduce false positives.


> What about inserting a :with-mathjax option (default value
> `org-html-with-mathjax'). If nil, no template, if t, template, if
> `auto', current behafviour (i.e. template if some math snippet /in
> body/)?


> `auto' is a decent default value for `org-html-with-mathjax' and it can
> be overridden per document with :with-mathjax.

I guess the example I showed is a limitation that we can live with.  Also
it's pretty unlikely that you /only/ have math in footnotes.


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