Hello - I just noticed that this patch does not seem to have been applied. Is there a problem with it?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mike McLean <mike.mcl...@pobox.com> Date: Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 3:34 PM Subject: Patch - Org Mac Outlook - Fix Call to Outlook in some cases To: emacs-orgmode <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org> If the user has: - a virtual solution (Parallels, etc.) - with Office for PC installed - and configured to expose WinTel applications to the Macintosh Finder The AppleScript commands may try to select the WinTel version of "Microsoft Outlook". This—obviously—doesn’t work. By adding the Mac ~.app~ file extension, we reduce this confusion and more reliably call the Macintosh version of Outlook. TINYCHANGE
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