Aloha azubi,

azubi <> writes:

> Hi all
> I've recently discovered babel (of org-mode) and I try to learn it.
> I've discovered a little problem that I cannot solve.
> Consider the following (almost) minimal example:
> ====================================================
> * First example with language "c"
> #+BEGIN_SRC c :EXPORT results
> printf ("First example \n");
> * Second example with language "C"
> #+BEGIN_SRC C :EXPORT results
> printf ("second example \n");
> : second example
> ====================================================
> The first example cannot be evaluated by a C-c C-c (?? due to the small 
> "c" ??). The second example is evaluated without any problem.
> I've configured org-mode to use "minted" to colorize the source code 
> when it is exported to latex.
> For the file above, the function "org-export-latex-to-pdf" gives the 
> expected result for the first example but nothing for the second one (?? 
> due to the big "C" ??). Minted understand "c" as a language but not "C". 
> The latex code produced by the command is (without the very long 
> standard preamble):
> ========================================================
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> \tableofcontents
> \section{First example with language "c"}
> \label{sec-1}
> \begin{minted}[]{c}
> printf ("First example \n");
> \end{minted}
> \section{Second example with language "C"}
> \label{sec-2}
> \begin{minted}[]{C}
> printf ("second example \n");
> \end{minted}
> % Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.4)
> \end{document}
> ===========================================================
> What have I done wrong ?
> Thank you in advance for your help.

See the variable org-latex-custom-lang-environments.

You can find an example setup for the old exporter here:


Thomas S. Dye

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