Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> Richard Lawrence <richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> writes:
>> Suppose you often write citations like:
>>   [cite: See @Doe99, and references therein, for more.]
>> [...]  and rendered like:
>>   See Doe (1999), and references therein, for more.
> This is slightly OT, but it comes up frequently enough that it's worth
> pointing out.  Assuming we were to handle notes as biblatex (which would
> be the better thing to do IMO), the output of:
>      [cite: See @Doe99, and references therein, for more.]
> Aka: \textcite[See][, and references therein, for more.]{Doe99}
> is
>     Aksn et al. (See 2006, , and references therein, for more.)
>                          ^^

Oh dear, you're right.  Where do that initial comma and space come from?
I guess BibLaTeX inserts them automatically?  Does that happen in all

>From what I can see, Pandoc does not implicitly insert punctuation like

  As @Fenner2012a [, cf. sec. 2] showed ...

renders as

  As Fenner (2012, cf. sec. 2) showed ...
Can you turn off the automatic addition of commas in BibLaTeX by setting
something in the preamble?  If so, would that be the right solution
here?  It might be easier to remove punctuation on the LaTeX side than
to get other backends to duplicate LaTeX's implicit punctuating


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