Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> Libreoffice has a nice feature called AutoFit → Optimal width of columns.
> This seems to minimized the width of tables.  By default Org sets the
> width to 100% which looks horrible for small tables.  From this helpful
> post I gather that it can be fixed by a macro.
> http://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/18664/optimal-column-width-for-all-tables-in-odt-documents/
> Is there any way to call macros from ox-odt?  It seems you can call LO
> with the -invisible flag to apply macros without bothering the user...

So the particular problem can be solved using this macro under OrgMacros:

    REM  *****  BASIC  *****

    Sub OptimzeColumnWidth
      Dim s As String
      Dim i As Long
      Dim oTables
      Dim oTable
      Dim oCell
      oTables = ThisComponent.getTextTables()
      If NOT oTables.hasElements() Then Exit Sub
      For i = 0 To oTables.getCount() - 1
        oTable = oTables.getByIndex(i)
        oFrame = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
        oDispHelper = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
        oDispHelper.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectTable", "", 0, Array())
        oDispHelper.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SetOptimalColumnWidth", "", 
0, Array()) 
    End Sub

    Sub OptimizeColumnWidtSaveQuit
    end Sub

I couldn't figure out how to make comments in LO Basic, so that's why
there's not a back-reference to the url above...

It's called via

     libreoffice --invisible --nofirststartwizard --headless --norestore 
MYFILE.odt "macro:///Standard.OrgMacros.OptimizeColumnWidtSaveQuit()" 

This is Makefile-friendly (and ox-publish), but it would be great if we
could (i) collect some useful macros like the above, and (ii) provide an
convenient way to call them on exported documents.


Need more coffee. . .

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