
Christian Moe <m...@christianmoe.com> writes:

> custom link types created with org-add-link-type seem to no longer work
> in ODT footnotes. 
> The expected output of the below example is for the bbdb link to be
> replaced with /nil/ (I don't have Stallman in my address book) and for
> SCREAMING LINK to be upcased if you've executed the source block. This
> works in both body text and footnote for HTML export, but only in body
> text, not footnote, for ODT. 
> ------- Example: --------
> #+title: Test of custom link types in footnotes
> This is a bbdb:R.*Stallman link.[fn:1] 
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (org-add-link-type "scream" nil
>                      (lambda (path desc format)
>                        (upcase desc)))
> #+end_src
> This is a silly [[scream:234][screaming link]] for testing.[fn:2]
> * Footnotes
> [fn:1] This is a bbdb:R.*Stallman link in a footnote.
> [fn:2] This is a silly [[scream:234][screaming link]] in a footnote.
> --------

This should be fixed. Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou

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