Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Nicolas,
> 2015ko otsailak 18an, Nicolas Goaziou-ek idatzi zuen:
>> I think we should postpone the idea of attributes for object, as it gets
>> in the way of the discussion. IMO,
>>   [cite/subtype: ...]
>> is all we need, syntax-wise.
> The question of attributes for objects arose out of the desire to attach
> attributes to citations.  So, I think it needs to be decided whether to
> support a special syntax for citation attributes, or defer that to the
> more general question of attributes for objects.  In the latter case, a
> significant number of “power user” (read: early adopter) features won’t
> be available until object attributes are also implemented.

Attributes are useful in their own right, but for the problem at hand they
are a distraction (IMO, but I'm also not a power-user).

> IOW, citation syntax and object attributes are separate discussions,
> but are also (possibly) both part of the path from the status quo to
> citation support in org core.

Why?  With one λ the sky is the limit!  It can call whatever crazy
functions that do whatever crazy things you can imagine.

IOW: if you are old enough to color your citations pink in latex you are
also old enough to write a macro that adds [cite:COLOR] or
[cite:subtype-color] for all colors in the rainbow...


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