
Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> writes:
> Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:
>> So, the (opinionated) useful defaults in biblatex are:
>>     cite(s), parencite(s), footcite(s), texcite(s), fullcite,
>>     footfullcite, nocite
> Isn't footcite/footfullcite a choice made at the document's level
> instead of per citation? If that's the case, it could go in a keyword,
> e.g.,
>   #+LATEX_CITATION: :style footcite

I have only used footcite in beamer presentations so far.  It is quite
common to show a fullframe image and have a footcitation.

But I also mixed them with parencites, when a specicic item on the page
is attributed to a given reference.

Maybe one could debate about using something other that footcite for the
former use case.  So, I don't have too strong an opinion here.

I just wanted to throw in a use-case where this decision was not made on
the per-document level.


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