Hi, Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> writes:
> - full-citation (aka individual citation), with, in addition to the > properties above, :prefix and :suffix, both being parsed string. Full-citation is confusing. A full citation is (to me) what you have in the bibliography. > Since full citations can only exist in a bracketed citation, there is no > reason to create a third object type for the latter. It acts as a mere > container only useful for lexer. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but if you by bracketed citation mean a parentheses expression your claim in false. This is a valid and common enough citation: Smith (see e.g. 1991, pp. 31) \textcite[see in particular][pp. 31]{smith} On the other hand if "bracketed" refers to how it's written in the source, how do I get both AUTHOR (PRE YEAR SUF) and (PRE AUTHOR, YEAR SUF) citations in the same document? > . For example, > Eric's parser chose the former, which is good, but also disallows square > brackets in prefix, which rules out some objects from this location > (mainly links and footnotes). \textcite[test\footnote{test}][]{key} won't compile either, though you could probably work around if you really wanted to. > Of course I understand the need for compatibility with existing Pandoc > syntax, but I wouldn't want us to shoot ourselves in the foot. Even if > we don't use "cite:" markup, I think we should carefully specify current > syntax to avoid loopholes. I /don't/ understand why comparability with pandoc is needed. For better or worse Org is a different markup. How would cite: work with prefix, posfix and citationtype? —Rasmus -- There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know