
May I bump up this thread?

Sebastien Vauban wrote:
> Here is my code to do so:
> (require 'ox)
> (defun compare-org-html-export-files (orgfile)
>   "Compare current export of ORGFILE with HTML file already present on disk."
>   (let* ((base-name
>           (concat (file-name-directory orgfile) (file-name-base orgfile)))
>          (htmlfile (concat base-name ".html"))
>          htmlcontents)
>     (should
>      (equal
>       ;; new export
>       (with-temp-buffer
>         (insert-file-contents orgfile)
>         (setq htmlcontents (org-export-as 'html))
>         (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
>         (insert htmlcontents)
>         (buffer-string))
>       ;; old export
>       (with-temp-buffer
>         (insert-file-contents htmlfile)
>         (buffer-string))))))
> Any idea why the variable `org-export-filters-alist' is said to be void,
> while I explicitly load both `ox' (where it's defined) and `ox-html'?
> And adding the require of `ox' and/or `ox-html' inside the test (or the
> defun `compare-org-html-export-files') does not change anything.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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