
Andrea Rossetti <andrea.rosse...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello Org users,
>   when I start emacs -Q and do the following recipe:
> 1) open the test file "prova.org" (see attach)
> 2) confirm at the file-local variable prompt, by typing "y"
> 3) quit with C-x C-c 
> then Emacs unexpectedly asks for a confirm to save the
> modified buffer "org-src-fontify:mail-mode", even if I took care
> to avoid any editing between steps 2) and 3).
>   The unexpected confirm is not asked if the same recipe is replayed
> with a modified "prova.org", where org-src-fontify-natively has been
> set to nil instead of t.
>   May I please ask: it's reproducible for you as well? any clue on
> how to suppress that annoying confirm? Thanks in advance for your
> suggestions.

I cannot reproduce it on development branch. It may have been fixed.

>   Another minor issue is that "To:" and "Subject:" aren't fontified
> if the mail text is indented by two spaces (typically added by default
> if you edit the block by typing C-c '). Not a big deal, just to let
> you know. One could just avoid using C-c ' and align the mail text
> at left side. The issue is visible in the buffer window, but
> HTML export is not affected, it works fine.

You may want to set `org-edit-src-content-indentation' to 0.


Nicolas Goaziou

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