I noticed an undesirable behavior in setting a property on a headline
with no properties, but which contains a code block that generates
headlines with properties. When I try to set a property with C-c C-x p,
the property gets put in the wrong place (inside the code block). It is
a small issue, but I thought I would report. 

If the headline already has a PROPERTIES drawer then it seems to work fine.

Here is an example.

* bug in setting properties?
 <- put cursor here, C-c C-x p add property

The property goes in the code block below
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(format "** %s
  :ID: %s
%s" "A headline" "some id" "some body text")
: ** A headline
:   :ID: some id
:   :END:
: some body text

John Kitchin

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