Hi! * Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@gmail.com> wrote: > Marcin Borkowski <mb...@wmi.amu.edu.pl> writes: > >> And now there's another problem: I'd like to have my init file >> collapsed to only headlines on opening. Since I visit my init file >> through a custom command (which finds it and turns on orgstruct), I >> don't need to use file local variables for that - I just need a >> command to do it. So: >> >> how do I (programmatically, in elisp) collapse the view of >> an orgstruct .el file? > > Try 'org-overview'. Both, 'org-overview' and 'show-all' work > with outshine too, so they should work with org-struct.
I also transformed my 3657 lines of init.el to OrgStruct. Similar to Marcin, I want to see a collapsed view of my headings when I open my init.el file. org-overview gives me a weird view of all lines that start a parenthesis on top level (defun, setq, ...) and not my top level OrgStruct comment lines. Has somebody successfully managed to get a collapsed init.el view when opening the file? Thanks!